What is Tendonitis?

Tendon inflammation is a painful condition. Tendons are in place all throughout your body. These thick bands connect your muscles to your bones. Once irritated, these bands can become painful and inflamed, which we call tendonitis.

Once a tendon is inflamed, it can become swollen and make simple movements difficult. This can be especially hard when your feet and ankles are affected, as you need them to move to walk.

What Causes Tendonitis?

  • OveruseTendonitis
  • Age
  • Underlying conditions
  • Medications

This condition is common among runners, golfers, tennis, and basketball athletes. Repeated movements can cause the tendon to become inflamed and painful.

Our doctors have treatments that can reduce pain and inflammation and help you feel better faster. These treatment options are minimally invasive and do not require any downtime. Along with conservative care such as RICE (rest, ice, compression, and elevation), these treatments can give your tendons a total rejuvenation.

Regenerative Medicine

Regenerative medicine consists of effective and minimally invasive options. These treatments are used to create an optimal healing environment within your own body.

Platelet-rich plasma uses plasma from your own blood to deliver a rich dose of healing agents to the injured or painful area. This method reduces pain and inflammation and allows your body to begin healing by sending blood and oxygen to the tendon.

Perinatal tissue is a highly concentrated solution of protein and growth factors that stimulate healing and allow your body to produce new healing blood vessels.

When to See a Podiatrist for Tendonitis

If your condition causes pain and affects your quality of life, it may be time to visit our NYC podiatrist. Take the first step toward happier, healthier feet, and discover what Central Park SOLE can do for you. Complete our contact form or call us at 212-874-0564 to request an appointment with one of our specialists. Appointments are available from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday.